Josh Mulcoy in;
When: Friday 23rd August, 2019
Time: 8pm
Where: Storm Surf Shop parking lot
Weather pending
Bring a chair/blanket/friend and cosy up with us!
After Josh Mulcoy’s first ever surf trip to Alaska in 1992, he was forever changed by what he saw and experienced. The trip not only resulted in him landing his first ever Surfer Magazine cover, but it created an obsession. After that first trip, he was hooked and a lifelong pursuit of finding — and surfing — perfect waves in this part of the world began.
Over the past three decades, Josh has done whatever he can to return to this coastline that he is now deeply connected to. On a recent mission, misfortune turned into luck and Mulcoy discovered an entirely new wave in a familiar area.
Within Reach is a film by Mike Cochran that tells the story of Josh's dedication to this special place and the sacrifices that surfers make to chase their dreams. Shot over three years, the film highlights Mulcoy’s vision, his pursuit to find waves on the ever so cold Alaskan coastline and the rare moments of perfect surf.
Find out more about Josh & his film on the Within Reach website.
Here's a 60 second peep of what's to come...